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Campamento de arte
Mon-Wed.Nov 25-27
Mon.: Wood Cutout door signs/shelf sitters
Tue.: Cup Cake/Cookies Decoration & Holiday Decor
Wed.: Paint your Character and create their houses!
We will create adorable 2D and 3D artwork! If your child loves to draw and paint characters, stuffed animals, action figures, or Squishmallows, then this day will be a dream for them!
9:00 Arrive
9:10 -11:45 Art Projects
11:45 -12:00 Snack Break
12: 00 - 12:20 Outside Activities
12:25 - 12:45 Lunch (your child needs to bring their lunch)
12: 50- 2:45 Art projects
2:45 - 2:55 Clean Up
3:00 End of day
* We will provide free snacks and hot cocoa every day!
To sign Up Please go to this
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